Thursday, October 11, 2012

Seen Any of These Around?

If you were around after school Wednesday, chances are pretty high that you saw A LOT.

Most of the school was sporting a mustache from the kick off assembly for Great American Opportunities. GAO is the fundraiser for which packets came home as well. The first 2 weeks is a really well priced magazine sale, paired with an online store, which is YEAR ROUND. Mark the web address below in your bookmarks and remember to shop there when looking for gifts for Christmas, birthday's etc.  With our code, the school will receive 40% of all purchases made! 40%! Fundraisers such as this are a great opportunity for the school. If large ones like this are a success, it will enable us to do away with some of the smaller ones, so our parents don't feel like they are faced with so many. But, it takes all of us to do it TOGETHER, so we hope you find some items you like.

And yes, this is where the kids got penguin fever! We think most of them are revved up and ready to earn more penguins!!

Online store:    School Code:   #1333731