January 15, 2013 ACE Meeting Notes:
Mardi Gras Saturday February 9th 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. in STCS gym
Gym is reserved from noon on (basketball in the morning) – so we can set up etc.
Kitchen and St. Joseph’s room are reserved Friday night
Elements of Mardi Gras
Will do it differently this year – concession style food (hot dogs, kielbasa, bags of chips, pop, nachos, cookies) instead of a sit down meal) Folks will buy tickets when they walk in and use tickets to buy food, play games etc.
Jeff and Teresa Farley - confirmed to sell tickets
Bob and Suzette Keating
Try to contact alumni to invite to Mardi Gras
Publish in :
-Parish bulletins
-on Facebook
-on ACE place
Games - sign up sheets for classrooms
Call Jeff and Teresa Farley
Call Bob and Suzette Keating
Call Don and Suzanne Lira (50/50 raffle)
Buy cookies and lemonade for Catholic Schools Week
Call Jean Parker re: face painting
Check storage for what materials we have for Mardi Gras
Buy tickets
Order prizes from Oriental Trading
Prizes – chrome shelves are in the music room for prize table
Helium donated last year
Meet with Food Committee
Cake Walk
Coordinate games/ make sure we have game equipment/ find game keeper
Tickets for games (25 cents each) buy tickets
Crystal G. – help chair Food Committee
Ted Calentino
Debbie Straight
Hebrew National hot dogs
Relish, ketchup, mustard, onions, buns
Cans of pop
hot dogs through Andrews due to bulk
142 families at STCS now
hoping for 400 or so at Mardi Gras
GAMES: (Need a parent in charge of each class to get folks to sign up for times)
Preschool: Octopus Bean bag toss
Kinder – lollipop tree
1st – whale
2nd – duck pond
3rd – golf
4th – balloon darts
5th – maze (High School)
6th – basketball
7th – minute to win it (Trish Ackerman, but needs help)
8th – pop toss
Half hour shifts
Note home for grades
Sign ups outside classroom - people sign up in ½ hour increments
Kindergarten example:
Parent in charge will send note out to parents asking if they will donate lollipops to the lollipop tree and sign up for times to work (1/2 hour slots) that evening (sign will be outside the classroom)
Prize table: (will likely do ½ hour increment sign up times; last year Jerry did by herself and she needs help)
Jerry (chair)
Subscribed some people to ACE PLACE tonight – want more people to sign up!
Showed magnets to ACE – they are $8 (available from Marcia, will sell at Mardi Gras too)
Classroom fundraiser for January – haven’t found someone from 4th/5th grade to chair (may do root beer floats again - they are popular with the kids)
Catholic Schools Week – January 28 – February 1st
Mass is the 31st at the Cathedral at 1:30 p.m.
Cookies and drinks provided by us and John Neumann
12 dozen cookies (Hilary)
Theme is “Raise the Standards”
Treasurer’s Report:
Have earned $14,000 this year so far
ACE has given $5,000 to the school so far
The biggest fundraiser is to come – Auction April 20th Union Depot
Have about $3,500 in our account
Raised $609 (20% of total purchased)
Thinking about offering this every other month (people are ready to order again) – will contact Schwan’s
Offer site to store next year hopefully (link on ACE webpage) order at your leisure and we receive the profit
Change Your School fundraiser
-students bring loose change that will go to ACE; winning class wins a pizza party
-note to go home- Hilary
-posters in the school - Hilary
Pay money to wear favorite team shirt and jeans in April (Mr. Brainard would like this type of thing to happen after Lent)
Hospitality Committee:
Update from Shelly Gill
February 14th luncheon for teacher’s
May for Teacher’s Appreciation week
Mr. Brainard:
Tuition increase from $3000 to $3300 likely next Fall
Will have community forums to discuss
Idea - to waive book fees if a family recruits a family
MARDI GRAS folks will meet Friday January 25th at 1:00 p.m. – everyone is welcome! We need and appreciate your help!!!
Meeting adjourned and homework passes given out….
Mr. Brainard’s principal’s report:
We are off to a really smooth start!
GOAL Academy donated 26 netbooks to STCS, more to possibly come
Delivered office cubicles, conference tables as well
Student Council will open the School Store next week (students quietly make a donation
to Poor Clare Sisters monthly) – wanting to fund raise for a new microwave or two at lunch
and to buy a nice STCS Knight mat for the school; Mr. Brainard will recommend store to be
open Tuesdays and Thursdays likely during lunch
Parent teacher conferences:
Oct 25 and 26 (early release Thurs 25th, no classes Friday 26th)
Hospitality committee (graciously being chaired by Gina Baca and Shelly Gill) is planning to
provide dinner for teachers. Please contact Gina and Shelly if you would like to help them!
Contact Marcia for their contact information.
No parties, no dress up, will be a normal day of school
John Powers basketball:
Paperwork was sent home
2nd grade through 8th grade
Deadline is Oct 15th, practices start around Oct 23rd, first game Nov 4th
American Math Challenge:
Next week
Signed the agreement with Help Our School for office supplies:
Can order office supplies through our website (which will take you to their website)
Get 7% of the profit
Will be on the school’s website and ACE Place (http://www.the-ace-place.com)
Plan is to extend this to more businesses
Treasurer’s Report: (Trish Ackerman was not present this evening; Michelle Vigil gave a
$5572.61 in the account presently
Knight Run $6500 officially (money is still coming in; likely will be $7100)
ARC truck is full and we will receive $1000 for that
Rootbeer floats raised $185 last week; floats will be sold Oct 12th and Oct 19th at lunch as
well ($1.5)
October is doing well as far as volunteers
There is Bingo on Halloween night – come help out!
Please make sure people still sign up to volunteer!
Lori Miller – Auction Chair
Setting up a meeting – possibly Sunday October 21st
Need many volunteers for this committee – please contact Lori if you are interested (Home
If you are involved in this committee, you will satisfy your volunteer hours! It’s also a lot of
Magazine Fundraiser:
October 10 – 25th (order forms collected, penguins fed etc)
Site is up all year though and can always order from the site (need a code for the school; will
be on paperwork students bring home)
10-10-12: Adrian will be here at STCS at 1:15 to kick off the magazine fundraiser (to talk to
Charity and others interested)
Kickoff with the students will be at 2:15
We get 40% of the sales
Students receive business cards, penguins and moustaches as incentives
Kids will come home with paperwork related to the sale tomorrow
Volunteers for this – folks at lunch to help feed the penguins
Hospitality Committee:
Fall dinner for conferences
Christmas luncheon
May luncheon
2 weeks prior to the event, complete a form to reserve the St. Joseph’s room
May be reimbursed for expenses (provide receipts to Trish Ackerman)
Closing prayer, Homework passes handed out
Hilary Munoz will send names of attendees to Marcia for 2 hours of volunteer hours to be
Meeting adjourned
Gina Baca & Shelly Gill volunteered to co-chair
Next ACE meeting: Tuesday November 13th 6:30 – 7:30p.m.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
ACE meeting
Treasurer’s Report (Trish)
$1945.05 in the account as of 9/11/12
Gift card program (SCRIP):
Mr. Brainard shared that some schools raise $10,000 per year
15 families placed orders on Friday 9/7/ (rebate to STCS was $200)
Marcia keeps some cards in office (Kings, Walmart Safeway, Starbucks etc)
Walmart cards work for Sam’s Club as well
King Soopers, Safeway, Walmart (for Sam’s) cards can be used for gas
Mr. Brainard
178 students for enrollment; will add two preschoolers and an 8 th grader as
School pictures today with Mr. Lauricella and it went well
Has had parent concerns with recess – didn’t do away with recess, just
changed it. No longer have lunch recess. Teachers take them out when
needed. Parents wonder if grades can mix (i.e. kindergarteners play w 1 st
graders etc.)
Mrs. Bachicha (2nd grade teacher) has accepted a teaching position at
Bessemer Academy; her last day is 9.12 (tomorrow). Ms. West will be the
new 2nd grade teacher (and she taught at STCS previously) ACE gave Mrs.
Bachcicha a $50 gift card to Olive Garden as a thank you
Suzanne Lira (Suzanne’s number is on the sign up sheets; please call her if
you sign up and cannot make it for some reason)
Wednesdays and first two Thursdays of the month
*Note – only Wednesdays September 2012
5:00 – 9:30 (need the most help from 5 to 8)
Need more callers
1 hour of Bingo equals 2 hours of volunteer hours
If you receive financial aid, must fulfill hours with Bingo
Sign ups are in the office with Marcia
$4761 pledged so far
Have received 75 pledge forms so far
Call Elizabeth Cornella (chair of Knight Run at 369-1730 to volunteer (mark
laps, hand out popcorn, punch)
ARC fundraiser
(9/27 through 10/3) “THE FALL CLEAN UP”
• ARC truck will be parked at the school
• Clothing, furniture, reusable items
• Cannot bring old tires, oil etc.
• If we fill the truck we receive $1000
• Will have times set where ACE officers will be here to unlock it (more info to
Original Artworks fundraiser
possibly need a chair (email into Sharon Catulli, previous chair to see if she
would like to chair again) information to come home soon!
Serpentine Salon
By Northside Applebees (off Elizabeth)
10% of services completed there will go back to the school
Business is owned by a parent of a 3rd grader
Classroom fundraisers
October 5th – High School
List of months and which class is in charge to come
Sell on a Friday
Room parent is usually in charge of getting this together (getting in touch
with other parents, deciding what to sell (usually a food item)
Charity presented information on this fundraiser
October 10th – October 24th
Can wear little penguins on the lanyard
Penguins will be fed
Anytime throughout the year people can visit the store on the ACE website
Catalogs are changed seasonally
• We receive 40% of sales (if sell a $20 item, we receive $8)
Password associated with us (STCS)
Items shipped directly to you
Helping at lunch
11:30 – 1:00
Come anytime you can – Dan Caudill is the coordinator
After school care
Barb Cervantes (grandmother of a 2nd grade student)
Few kids need the care at this time; she is watching children at her house but
Mr. Brainard will open the school to this if needed
$10 per day until 5:00 (talk to Barb if need later time) – Marcia has the
contact information for Barb
Possible idea with GIFT CARDS
Class competition for gift cards
Copies of insurance and driver’s license
Code of conduct signed
See Mr. Brainard
Tuition (automatic withdrawal) is available
Call the office to let the office know tuition cleared so we know people are
getting credit
Dominos and Little Caesar’s
A parent shared that Dominos and Little Caesar’s like friendly competition
and to remember this when we have pizza parties etc.
Meeting adjourned, homework passes handed out
and the next ACE meeting is October 9th 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Don’t forget to check the ACE PLACE bulletin board in the gym
and the website http://www.the-ace-place.com
*Notes recorded by Hilary Munoz, ACE Secretary